Tradtitional Bowhunters of Texas
188 lb. Black Bear Taken by Heath Bryant in June 2013. Duck Mountain Provincial Park, Duck Mountain Outfitters – Manitoba Spring Black Bear Hunt. This is Heath's first bear ever, and first with traditional archery. Gear is Bear Patriot Longbow by Byron Ferguson, Tred Barta Cedar arrow, and 160 gr. Winsel Woodsman Elite broadhead 3-blade. Shot was 12 yd, bear only ran 20 yd, great blood trail from tree to stop. Bear weighed 188 lbs, going to be a nice rug! Saw lots of action, great outfitters, great guide Andy. Complete hunt was recorded and is on you tube page - heathbryant2011 - or use this link http://youtube/umZ8-qi1RUI

Traditional Bowhunters of Texas